Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Can't Wait

Waiting to see what Viv posts for the first weigh-in for the Weight Loss Challenge. Waiting on my husband to be home long enough for me to workout. Waiting....Waiting....
I know I am not supposed to do this but this morning I jumped on the scale(even though it was not a weigh-in day). It showed a couple pounds lighter than Sunday's weigh-in. I went to the bathroom a zillion times it seemed like yesterday. So I am sure the loss is all water weight. Now if I could just make it to the gym.
Last night I planned to go but my son had a major meltdown and there was no way I was taking him anywhere especially to the gym. Then by the time we got back from dropping off the car and then putting Maddox to bed it was after 9pm and I didn't want to be getting back from the gym around 11pm. I have done it before but last night was just not one of those nights. So you are asking why don't you work out in the morning like all of your good gym going buddies. Well the last two mornings my hubby told me the night before that he was getting up in the morning Monday to help out with a Fitness Boot Camp Class that his buddy is teaching and Tuesday to get some paperwork done at the office. He slept through both of them. I hadn't set my alarm to get up early cause he had it planned already. When I woke up and saw him still sleeping I was disappointed in missing that prime workout time. Tonight Maddox has swimming lessons so hopefully I can get in a late workout.

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